
Course Description

After successful completion of the Foundations course, students will be able to explain how landmark trials drive practice in preventing possible complications via the ?legacy effect.? This will demonstrate the impact this has on the person with diabetes through care delivery. Students will learn to identify the target numbers trifecta (glucose/A1C, blood pressure, lipids) based on recent science to promote outcomes. They will be expected to measure effectiveness of prevention and treatment strategies of diabetes and its related conditions. This foundations course will create a understanding of the benefits of a weight-inclusive approach in diabetes management. Students are expected to demonstrate competence in using person-first, strengths-based, empowering language to enhance communication and enhance motivation, health and well-being of people with diabetes.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Jul 01, 2023 to Aug 30, 2024
Course Fee(s)
TP0003 non-credit $299.00
Reading List / Textbook
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