
Course Description

This class is a culmination of all courses and allows the student to put their knowledge and skills into practical application. The class is a total of 45 hours devoted to the internship process. Students will review state licensure requirements. The course will cover common problems, situations, and experiences that may arise during the internship. The practicum consists of 255 supervised hours on site at a State Certified Treatment Program. Students are required to complete the entire 300 hours (45 hours in class and 255 practicum) prior to receiving their substance abuse counseling certification.
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Section Title
Intern/Empymnt/Cert Prep
May 19, 2025 to Jun 29, 2025
Course Fee(s)
TP0002 credit (3 units) $525.00
Available for Credit
3 units
Reading List / Textbook
Internship, Employment and Certification Preparation
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