
Course Description

This course looks at innovation in corporations and the public sector. The course reviews the latest academic thinking on innovation, including Clay Christensen?s seminal thinking on disruptive technology and the proper response. Further, it explores some of the internal responses to the need for creativity, including idea champions, idea incubators, new venture teams and skunk works, and the process of moving from innovation to commercialization. Finally, the course focuses on some of the more successful corporate innovators (Apple, Google, 3M) as a way of illustrating the principles of effective innovation in large organizations. This course draws on Adrian Brown?s Creativity & Innovation (MindEdge Press, 2007) (excerpts included). Within 72 hours of registration, you will receive an email with instructions to log on to your course.
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Section Title
Innovation in Organizations
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Course Fee(s)
TP0002 credit (1 units) $300.00
Available for Credit
1 units
Reading List / Textbook
Innovation in Organizations
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